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Thermography has been a traditional part of the chiropractic analysis since BJ Palmer and the early days of chiropractic history. The dual point approach has deep roots in the profession.
There are many problems with the use of two bilateral points. The body is not precisely symmetrical. There are scars, skin folds, pimples, hairlines, and postural differences that make it impossible for symmetrical analysis. As the thermal device is scanned over an area it picks up a single point temperature measurement. This reading is very accurate with infrared, but it is limited in value.
A bigger picture is seen with digital thermal imaging. Point measurements can be taken from this technology as well as 307,000 other points with a 640×480 camera. The prices of these cameras have fallen drastically in recent years where the price point is less than most companies charge for dual point equipment.
We urge chiropractors to take advantage of this amazing technology and bring chiropractic science to modern times. A thermal camera is an extremely useful tool for the chiropractor. Nerve compression will frequently show up as hypothermic area, while inflammation shows up hot, or red. Watch the video below and see the benefits.
Pattern Analysis: There is contradictory evidence on the original theory by BJ Palmer that a thermal pattern “in pattern” is a sign of subluxation. Patterns have actually been found to be the “norm”. The body has a thermographic “fingerprint” that only changes when something changes it physiologically. The previous thought was that the adjustment “breaks” the pattern and restores the dynamic life force to the body. The change on the pre and post test is present because the pressure from the device on the skin in addition to the adjustment changes the skin surface temperature, and a subsequent change in temperature is measured.
Bald Men Are NOT Subluxated: With the upper cervical dual point analysis we frequently find a temperature difference at the atlas of one degree or more. This common break in temperature is due to the hair line in this region. Hair is colder than skin and is picked up as a colder point. A simple experiment can be performed. Find a man (or woman) that is willing to shave their head. Perform a dual point reading. Shave head. Wait a day and then re-measure. I have never seen a bald man with a one degree temperature difference at atlas. Does this mean bald men do not subluxate as often?
Monitor Results: True objective measurements can be compared along a course of treatment. The patient can actually validate their problems on the screen. They can then see their condition improve over time.


For more information visit Chirotherm



Chiropractic Dual Point Analysis