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Thermography is the measurement of temperature variations at the body surface. As with the oral thermometer that has been used for many years, changes in temperature indicate disease processes. Finely tuned technology can find abnormalities in human wellness long before the body’s sensory organs can identify them. This is true for breast cancer; thyroid dysfunction; inflammation leading to cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. It is imperative that all physicians begin using medical thermography in their daily practice.

There are over 800 articles in peer reviewed journals on medical thermography. These articles include heart disease, dental thermography, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, cerebrovascular screening with thermography, and many more applications. Great work is being done in Brazil at the Sao Paulo Medical School by Dr Marcos Brioschi and others. Our PACT directors frequently lecture at the medical university to share our own advancements in medical thermography.

The former Soviet Union used medical thermography as on of the greatest indicators of disease. PACT Director, Dr. Alexander Sepper, was at the forefront of this science and has brought to America the very intricacies of his work as a research medical scientist. He originated thermographic screening of ovarian cancer with high effectiveness. His work is being re-introduced in to the scientific community for implementation. He also shares with us exciting information for thermographic testing of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

The future is here with medical thermography. We offer beginner and advanced training in our methods.

About Breast Thermography

There are not too many medical procedures that have more research than breast thermography. Breast thermography research has over 800 articles in the published literature. Most of these studies were performed in the 1950’s to the early 1980’s in the USA. These studies showed excellent effectiveness for breast thermography as a screening tool. It was FDA cleared in 1982 as an adjunctive screening for breast cancer based on the research at the time.

Advancements in thermography equipment have brought even better accuracy to the medical thermography market. Some limited new research has been done and it is highly favorable. It is slow to be implemented as a standard test in breast cancer detection due to lack of funding of large scale studies. In order for a study to be funded it must create a proper return on investment with a company such as a large pharmaceutical company. Since it is apparent that there is already a large amount of income derived from breast cancer marketing and mammography, there is no need to create a mechanism of earlier detection with breast thermography. Many thermography experts have even proposed the idea that the advancement has even been blocked.

In the former Soviet Union Dr. Sepper headed major advancements in breast thermography as a practicing OBGYN and researcher. He effectively screened 18,000 women in 7 days with similar accuracy to mammogram. This study can be found in our research section. Dr. Sepper is working hard to bring the same protocols to the world. Research in the USSR was not funded mostly by pharmaceutical companies so he was able to do objective research on the technology of breast thermography. These systems are now taught by Dr. Sepper for PACT.


Videos on Medical Thermography

Thermography has been researched more recently in other parts of the world. The following videos are from international speakers and researcher. Please excuse most of these as English is a second or even third language for most.


Dr. Claudio on the Incidence of Fibrocystic Breasts in his Breast Reduction Patients.



Dr. Sepper on Sugar and Cancer on Thermography



Dr. Sepper on Estrogen Dominance and Environmental Toxicity


Dr. Sepper on Fibrocystic Breasts