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The Role of Medical Thermography

Thermography is the measurement of temperature variations at the body surface. Just as an oral thermometer has been used for many years to detect illness, changes in surface temperature can indicate disease processes. Finely tuned technology can identify abnormalities in human wellness long before the body’s sensory organs can detect them. This applies to conditions such as breast cancer, thyroid dysfunction, and inflammation that may lead to cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. It is imperative that all physicians begin using medical thermography in their daily practice.

Research and Scientific Validation

There are over 800 articles in peer-reviewed journals on medical thermography. These studies cover a wide range of applications, including heart disease, dental thermography, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, and cerebrovascular screening. PACT is at the forefront of advancing medical thermography through continued research and development. Work in this field has been conducted in various medical institutions, including past research at São Paulo Medical School.

Historical Contributions and Leadership

The former Soviet Union recognized medical thermography as one of the greatest indicators of disease. Dr. Alexander Sepper was a pioneer in this field, bringing his expertise as a research medical scientist to the United States. His experimental work in ovarian cancer screening showed promising results, contributing to the body of research exploring thermography’s role in early detection.

Breakthroughs in Thermographic Screening

Dr. Sepper contributed valuable research on thermographic testing for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, providing new possibilities for assessing this condition. His dedication to advancing thermography has influenced its development and application in clinical settings.

Dr. Sepper and Dr. Piana co-authored The Contemporary Analysis of Breast Thermography, an article that examines the advancements and applications of breast thermography in modern medicine. Their work continues to serve as a reference for those seeking to understand thermography’s role in breast health and disease prevention.

Today, under the leadership of Dr. Piana, PACT continues to build upon these advancements, maintaining the highest standards in the industry and ensuring that thermography remains a critical tool in health assessment.

The Future of Medical Thermography

PACT continues to lead advancements in medical thermography, ensuring its standards remain the highest in the industry. With growing research and technological improvements, thermography’s role in health assessment is becoming more widely recognized.


Videos on Medical Thermography

Thermography has been researched more recently in other parts of the world. The following videos are from international speakers and researcher. Please excuse most of these as English is a second or even third language for most.


Dr. Claudio on the Incidence of Fibrocystic Breasts in his Breast Reduction Patients.



Dr. Sepper on Sugar and Cancer on Thermography



Dr. Sepper on Estrogen Dominance and Environmental Toxicity


Dr. Sepper on Fibrocystic Breasts